Colusa Basin Streambank Analysis

Following the completion of the Colusa Basin Watershed Assessment, a Streambank Analysis study was completed on 36 foothill streams in the watershed. These streams were mapped for erosion potential, riparian habitat quality and invasive species infestation. Next, 24 critical management reaches were selected that showed potential for restoration projects.
The purpose of the Streambank Analysis study is to fill in some of the data gaps from the Watershed Assessment by defining areas along streams in the Colusa Basin Watershed that would benefit most from restoration projects. These projects will ultimately improve the overall health of the Watershed and quality of water flowing into the Bay Delta from Colusa County streams.
The final report and maps can be viewed below. Click on the headings to download the report and maps you would like to review. Files are in pdf format and require Adobe Acrobat Reader to view.
Colusa Basin Watershed Streambank Analysis
Colusa Basin Watershed Streambank Analysis
Figure 2a Erosion (Northern portion of Watershed)
Figure 2b Erosion (Mid-Northern portion)
Figure 2c Erosion (Mid-Southern portion)
Figure 2d Erosion (Southern portion)
Figure 3b Riparian (Mid-Northern)
Figure 3c Riparian (Mid-Southern)
Figure 4a Invasives (Northern)
Figure 4b Invasives (Mid-Northern)
Figure 4c Invasives (Mid-Southern)
Figure 4d Invasives (Southern)