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Meeting Agenda Links 

Tuesday, April 21st, 2020

3:00 PM 

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 713 0133 5347

Password: 9vgSZN


  1. Open MeetingIntroductions
  2. Acceptance of Agenda

Members of the Board and/or staff may request additions, deletions, and/or changes in the Agenda

  1. Public/Partners Communication: (5-minute limit, unless prescheduled)Colusa County Board of Supervisors; John LoudonNRCS; Wendy Krehbiel-Colusa Field Office DC; Colusa County Ag Department; Anastacia AllenSutter Buttes Regional Land Trust; Alyssa Lindman-Executive Director
  2. Approval of Minutes-February18th, 2020
  3. Financial ReportChecking & County FundsClaims to be paid in April 2020
  4. CCRCD Discussion & Action Items:Project Ideas-Opportunity for Board and Staff to discuss new project ideasNRCS MOA with CARCD and RCDs- Review, approve, signFY 19/20 Projected Budget- ReviewFY 18/19 CAP, FY 17/18 CAP- Review and ApproveCA Rangeland Resolution- Discuss becoming a signatoryDirector Training- Ethics and Harassment training offered online through GSRMAForm 700s-update Form 700s with County Clerk Due June 1st, 2020Healthy Soils Incentive Program: SOW with Glenn County RCD for Technical AssistanceNew Hire-  Victor Briones was hired for the Natural Resource CoordinatorProject Coordinator Position- Propose to use RCD network for project coordinator assistance until after Covid-19.Covid-19 Policies- Emergency Plan, Emergency Sick LeaveTeleconferencing Policy, Flex Hour Policy, and Field Work PolicySacramento Valley Region RCD Board Meeting April 28th, 2020 via Zoom- Can you attend?
  5. Staff and Director Reports Project UpdatesNRCS Cooperative AgreementColusa Glenn Subwatershed ProgramHealthy Soils Demonstration SiteCarbon Farm PlanCommunity Wildfire Protection PlanSWEEP Technical AssistanceCalFire Forest Health GrantDurable CollaborationMiscellaneous Staff and Director Reports
  6. Public Comment
  7. Adjournment: The next meeting will be May 19th, 2020 at 3pm at the CIP Conference Room.